This weekend I reached a major milestone and finished the review of the 200th building. For the past two years I have been researching and drafting the Illustrated Guide to the architecture of Inverness for the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland.
It has been enjoyable and tormenting. I have immersed myself in the detailed study of buildings form the 13th to the 21st century. There have been many delightful surprises along the way. These have been balanced by many buildings of questionable merit. Time has done these no favours.

There is balance point between great design, overrated design, mediocre design and poor design. I would like the think I now have the benefit of a very thorough and well calibrated measure of design quality that encompasses over 800 years of architecture.

Time is the true test. As each year passes, the architect’s justification is forgotten, along with the excuses for lack of funds. All that will remain is the silent, physical presence of building itself. It must take its place, side by side with the other buildings from history and be judged on its own merits. The quality of its composition will either contribute to or damn the reputation of its architects and developers.

The research and written draft is now 90% complete and I am looking forward to finally completing the first phase of this important and long overdue work.
Next comes all the proof reading, layouts, graphic design, etc.
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