Calton Hill Observatory

The renovation of the observatory on Calton Hill is well worth a visit, next time you are in Edinburgh. An interesting blend of contemporary and classical architecture that stimulates the senses.


Calton Hill Observatory restoration slot window portico Edinburgh MAAC Studio


In round, this approach offers a great solution. When executed well it adds depth and creates a more enriching experience of the spaces. Combining contemporary details within a traditional stone building also requires a lot of care. You need to choose your materials carefully and you need to understand the impact that changes will have on the existing structure.

The slot window that separates the porticos from the main body of the building is an intriguing detail. It creates tantalising glimpses of the inside that make the observer want to explore the building and discover more about it. The proportions the slot window are delicate and well thought out, but what does it do to our understanding of the now free standing portico ?  From a distance, they are not noticeable, close up the portico appears cut off from the main structure, floating away, surgically disconnected from the whole.

On a technical level, there is a danger that concentrated water run-off from rainfall on the slot window will damage the stonework below. Only opened in October 2018, it is already possible to see the growth of algae on the stonework. They may have been better extending the window to the ground or introducing a detail to catch the rainwater and divert it to a drain, rather than allowing it to wash over the stone.


Staining of stonework at slot window, Calton Hill Observatory, Edinburgh, MAAC studio


Within the overall context of the work that has been undertaken, this is a small concern and as I have shown, there is a solution. It does illustrate how complicated a simple detail can become and how much care is required if you are going to blend modern and historic building elements. Even for the experts.

If you want to introduce contemporary details to a traditional building, don’t leave it to chance! Employ a conservation professional to help you develop a design details that will work and engage tradesmen that are skilled in traditional materials and techniques to ensure that they are built correctly. Otherwise you are only storing up problems for yourself in the future.


MAAC studio are accredited conservation architects and principal designers working with traditional buildings throughout Scotland. 

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