What does a NET-Zero retrofit look like.?
Net Zero and Retrofit are the new buzz-words that are dominating all branches of government and industry. Net Zero is all about trying to eliminate the Carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. Currently, the energy that heats our homes and the electricity that we use to run our appliances comes mostly from burning fossil fuels. To tackle climate change, we need to reduce the amount of energy we need and then make sure that what we do need comes from a source that doesn't involve fossil fuels.
After spending ages trying to work out how to create a panorama image on computer I eventually gave up and decided to do by hand. It has been a while since I have done anything more than a quick 10 second sketch, everything seems to be digital these days.
Stone erosion and deterioration is widespread in Scotland. Lithomex is a lime based restoration mortar often used as a cheap repair and as an alternative to stone replacement. "Cheap" is the principal attraction for many but it may be a false economy.
With the scaffolding gone it is a delight to see the beautiful harling and new windows at this historic property in the Highlands. You might never know that we had been there and had carried out significant repairs.
How reliable is the internet when researching built heritage? This is a question that needs to be asked by anyone that is researching the past, whether it is a person, a place or a building. There is plenty of information out there, but it varies wildly in quality.
A pair of x-ray eyes would be ideal for a building survey. It would reveal all sorts of strange and wonderful things. I always enjoy the opening up of building fabric, its the first step to making your building happy again !