Towards NET-Zero
Tackling our carbon emissions is going to become a key challenge for every homeowner in the years or head. Existing homes have been identified as a target area. A mix of incentives and penalties will make us think about our impact on the environment in new ways. We will need to change the way we insulate and heat our homes.
Calton Hill Observatory
The renovation of the observatory on Calton Hill is well worth a visit, next time you are in Edinburgh. An interesting blend of contemporary and classical architecture that stimulates the senses.
Slow Food, Slow Buildings
Food and shelter are our most basic needs for survival, but a basic necessity does not have to be dull or boring or humble. It can also be a source of pleasure when produced with skill and care.
What lessons can the construction industry learn from the food industry ?
For the Love of Architecture
In a flash, tech savvy world, where can you find authenticity and quality?
This question was nagging me the other day as I sat in the sunshine with my notepad, reflecting on the challenged of setting up my new venture MAAC Studio.
Ray Eames
Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely and to the best of your ability and that way you might change the world.
Ray Eames